Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Parhelic Circle

Duration: 14 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-14 16:03:38
User: 06solareclipse
:::: Favorites

Ice crystals within the clouds mirror the sunlight to a circle of light. This phenomenon is called parhelic circle. It is a rare phenomenon. The video is strange, but real. Taken on Oct/14/2006 in Oklahoma/USA.

HazeyDrake ::: Favorites
"is that?" "The arctic night lights, as if the whole world's been turned upside down"
06-10-15 05:22:58
kandyssurprise ::: Favorites
06-10-15 07:48:02
EliteEsoteric ::: Favorites
The first time I watched it I did not even notice it, It will be a easy to miss halo on the top of the screen.
06-10-15 12:01:18
cnufosdotcom ::: Favorites
it's from the camera's lens. I've done the some thing here in Arizona!
06-10-16 01:19:03
ArthurSchlott ::: Favorites
Took a few watches - but I got there in the end! Follow the advice of EliteEsoteric
06-10-16 16:59:49
patricknelson ::: Favorites
I just like the feel given by the clouds passing by so quickly overhead in this time-lapse video.
06-10-18 00:34:58
fucktheothercalmo ::: Favorites
It's from the camera's lens is it? ok then... Your world is a cold one. Only i didn't notice anyone claiming to see a UFO or ghost. This is a real phenomenon. Not as Spectacular as the Northern Lights, but anything like this is worth seeing.
06-11-03 02:30:23
juanagon ::: Favorites
Nahh, its real!! it happened a lot back in my hometown in colombia,6000 ft above sea level
06-11-11 15:47:21
bjoybeads ::: Favorites
thank you ! I doubted anyone could catch this on film... the one I saw in Oregon was much closer to the horizon & therefore VERY large...it is faint & easier to see from the shade of a building. I believe it is the illuminated circle of the earth reflected onto the ice crystals... because it is parallel to the ENTIRE horizon ! when the circle is complete & intersects the halo around the sun, the parhelia (sundogs) appear at these two intersection on either side of the sun.
07-03-24 00:03:45
bjoybeads ::: Favorites
Ooo, that gives me chills - at the time when we saw it in Eugene OR, many of us called the weatherman at the local TV station & were told "yes, he saw it," then it turned out he only saw the halo ! not the circle... felt sorry for him. The ice crystals were spread over the whole sky, producing irridescent rainbow clouds earlier that day.
07-03-26 02:11:05

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