Monday, April 14, 2008

Akansas fights against the Flu Shots Merck Gardisil Lies!!!

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-11 14:54:11

Watch this report about the lies and the courageous people that are fighting the Drug companies that lie to you and won't disclose what is in vaccinations. It is making people sick and they are attacking our children. WAKE UP AMERICA and FIGHT BACK against Gardasil and Merck and the Flu shots that contain Thimerosal!


xPeterNorth23x  2008-04-11 17:44:14

What is so hard to understantd? Mercury is HIGHLY neuro-toxic. I don't give a fuĉk if they have not proven "yet" that mercury cause autism. It simply sould'nt have been an ingredient for vaccines in the first place.

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