Monday, April 14, 2008

A talk with Joe and Harvey

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-21 15:29:27

A spoof of "Talk with Dave" I interview 4 year-old, Harvey Hill at my Easter party. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Hope you enjoy it! All credit to DaveyBoyz for existing!


ECWFan5  2008-04-12 12:26:59

Sorry Joe... I'd have to say this is the WORST video you have ever made. Seriously, Harvey & you must have been real drunk(usually I'd say thats O.K.) but that just really sucked!!!
WonderDogOne  2008-03-23 06:27:07

zomg charlieissocoollike in the related videos!!
Nickfan7  2008-03-21 17:11:47

WonderDogOne  2008-03-21 16:56:39

rate please
WonderDogOne  2008-03-21 16:56:23

Im sick of this Henry youre actually becoming one of my haters! If your going to post comments put something other than just "OOOOKKK" or "What the hell"

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